Unveiling of the Tesla Semi and Roadster by Elon Musk December 2017

Tesla: "Semi is the safest, most comfortable truck ever. Four independent motors provide maximum power and acceleration and require the lowest energy cost per mile." (SOURCE: Tesla

The Tesla Semi truck can travel 500 miles on a single charge.

The Tesla semi-truck stays in lane and automatically comes to a stop in case of driver medical emergency.

The truck can automatically stop jackknifing because it has independent motors on each wheel and dynamically adjusts the torque on each wheel.

Guaranteed not to break down for 1 million miles. The truck has four independent motors. If two motors fail, "it will still have the performance of a diesel truck," according to Elon Musk.

The kinetic energy from braking is sent to the battery pack instead of wearing down the break pads.

There are no emissions, no differentials, and no transmissions.

The glass is considered "thermonuclear-proof" glass that will not brake. 

"Hardcore smackdown to the gasoline car."

-- Elon Musk

1.9 sec 0-60 mph
4.2 sec 0-100 mph

Elon Musk said this is the first car to break 

The Roadster does the quarter mile in 9.9 seconds -- also a first.

The vehicle has a 200 KwH battery pack with a range of 620 mile range per charge at highway speed.

4 seats.

Convertible (removable roof)

Capacious storage
